Holy Moley, They aren't kidding. Although, they
is a loosely applied pronoun they indicates the
California Department of Beaches and Parks.
It is 1700 PDT and the alcohol sniffing attack dogs
are in the SONGS parking lot, boy are they pissed.
They demand action. What they are trained to do
is simple; they sniff out filled containers of alcohol.
Nobody gets by these brutes--nobody. When you pull
into Weedpatch, Old Man's, da' Point, Haw'n Gardens,
Sal Geeze's 4 Doors, you ain't gonna' believe it.
So, from all appearances it may be better if you just
stayed home, put up your ' SLOW CHILDREN AT PLAY'
sign and, go ahead repair your dings. THEBIGKOOK says
they're not gonna take him alive. Well, we'll see about that.
Written by Pull my Finger.