Saturday, November 27, 2004

TEAMBIGKOOK has had it up to here The Club has many, countless,

selective items on the R&R restrictions, mainly non-members, their

non-compliant attitude toward "primitive dirt road" parking. In order

to combat the neer-do-well's parking habits, "laissez" faire style in particular,

BOD member Al "Hey, Beerman" Gee, contracted with our Sister City,

Oceanside CA, to purchase 50 yellow "Denver Boots" for immediate delivery.

I fear the SOSC BOD has the Great White Van as their Pilot Program target.

TEAMBIGKOOK, take heed, once the Rangers slap that thing on, you guys ain't

going nowhere fast-- for less than $251.00 cash--no checks.

Written by the drunken driver.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 7:00 AM   0 Comments

Thursday, November 25, 2004

November 25, 2004 Thank God for delete buttons

Thanksgiving happiness from the gang at "TUBESTEAK'S DAIRY", you sure
deserve it. It took over three hours to delete all the bullshit "med-freaks"
Email sales pitches, like that rubbish will get me a cover. It's 9:45 AM and already
guess who knocked the first bar-b-qued turkey onto the sand? Yep, a fourth
generation SOSC member, drunk as a lord. I'm really not going to miss that
place at all. Sorry, don't need that crutch. How about you, bro?

Written by Foxy Loxy.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 10:00 AM   0 Comments

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

IT'S SHARK AND CROCODILE AWARENESS DAY AT SANO. Ranger Craig Ephraim shall moderate a hands-on-display for children eight and under at "Baby Centre" beneath the main beach rickety palm-frond shack at "Old Man's, beginning at 10:00 AM sharp. Ranger Cadet, Ephraim, in order to add a realty bit, contacted 20th Century to use back lot properties consisting of real looking crocodiles and the vinyl covered "Jaws" replica. Ephriam said,
"We're gonna have these toddlers ready for summer come hell or high water." Okay, that convinces me, but what's a seven year old child gonna' do when he sees these 20' mechanical monsters trying to lunge at him? The crocks are from old Tarzan movies. Not long ago, adjacent to the bamboo forrest, BIGKOOK had a crock's petting zoo with 18" babys in the sump beside the banana plantation. It worked out well enough, albeit, some close calls.
Funny thing is, the demonstration is 100% booked. That means SOLD OUT!

Written by Crocodile Dundee

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 7:06 AM  

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

November 23 , 2004 Give up, Dairywimple!

Hal Dairywimple will accompany Ranger Graig Ephriam to Li'l Habana
Florida, for a visit with his brother Donato "Don" Dairywimple. Don was the
protector of baby Elian when President William Clinton put a stop to
illrgal immigration "We will have no open boarders," said President
Clinton. Ephriam and Dairywimple will not bring Elian back to 'Nofre.
And yes, that is Hal's brother embracing and protecting Li'l Elian

Written by INS

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 8:00 AM   0 Comments

Monday, November 22, 2004

November 22, 2004 Request.

Will the last "Gringo" to leave Southern California, please bring the
American "Stars and Stripes" with you. Gracias!

Written by Caesar Chavez UFW

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 8:00 AM   0 Comments

Sunday, November 21, 2004

November 21, 2004 Vaya con Dios

"...While these people have no voice in their home country,
they feel the USA welcomes them with free benefits such
as free legal aid, food stamps, WIC milk program, free education,
free medical, free dental, free school bus, free lunch program,
free right to protest, immediate amnesty, freedom from deportation,
free driver's license, a whole cornacopia of benefits giving them
a life unavailable in their own country. Ask not what your country
can do for you, but what you can do for your country...."

Written by John and Ken

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 9:01 AM   0 Comments