Tuesday, May 24, 2005

When Hitler invaded my Poland, his reasoning was the same
as George W. Bush's for Iraq. Hemorial Day shall be honored
in the name of our old friend "Larry the Sloth", butchered
dtrectly in front of Stalag #4 last summer. The amusing thing
about Memorial Day is this guy sponsers a party where the Öld
'Nofreites hide in the Stalags waiting for the free Maggies
served up by 2nd Generation Cabin Boys filling the glasses
with high octane Margaritas and pork fajitas the all time
favorite up an down the beach. We're going to watch the
alcoholcs get busted for diving while drunk. Rangers Dairywimle
and Detective Ephriam were given six names under surveilance,
and you know who they are.

Written by FransiscO "Paco" Montoya .

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:43 AM   25 Comments