Saturday, October 08, 2005


Another Octoberfest quiz for active surfers who blatanly avoid
San Onofre because of the Women's Surf Festival. Okay, here
she goes, short and sweet: Things in common, wrong way swerving
driver on I-5 at Pico, and a Highland Park car-jacking murderer.
Similarity, both last names ending with the same letter. Free hint, both
have black hair and bushy mustache, and it's not H. Name that letter!
Insert letter in comment box at end of the this quiz.
Muchisimo mas gracias.

Written by Chavez (Chuey) Ortiz-Quiroz.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:56 AM   1 Comments

Friday, October 07, 2005

Sorry for this BLOG inconveniance, however, Rangers Dairywimple and
Ephriam are seeking volunteers to valet park the Roxy contestants
BMW's, Mercedes Benz, and Range Rovers. this weekend. Please contact
the Contest Logistics Manager Mr. BIGKOOK. Thanks for your participation.

Written by Hector Garcia Delgado.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 4:45 AM   2 Comments

Thursday, October 06, 2005


This is way too much for me! Mr.Allan Seymoure is controlling
Roxy's San Onfre Baywatch I Surfing Club Pro Women's Contest, this
coming weekend. Guess who shows at my door last night, but
Doug Pray and crew to film (not tape) "The Paskowitz Family
Reunion" in production as we speak. This is not a VHS Super 8
Production. Grip trucks, arc light, key light, camera dolly rails,
reflevtors, and sandwiches, all after leaving 'Nofre (having all
Club members pissed) then pulling into my Fairy Harbour Condo,
PA's unloading the "shoot" equipment, set up and three hours in
the can, but the best part was the "wrap party". I could never figure
why the SOSC BOD doesn't like publicity, vollyballers maybe,
bocci ballers love it. The best part was the Malibu audition tape
of Legends of Malibu, and Malibu Shirt Co., Malibu Legends. featuring
Lance Carson and TUBESTEAK in a glimpse of what surfing really is,
never hurt no one. More good news: Ben Marcus' Coffee Table,
Surfing USA is on the way at MBI Publishing
I certainly wouldn't be surprised if Mr.Seymour doesn't top $250,000.00
this weekend. Don't forget, SOSC members always boycott non-club
affairs, so there will be loads of parking.

Written by Alan Greenspan.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:56 AM   3 Comments

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Allan Seymoure went to Irvine's Travel World to rent a deluxe rig
for the gang to lounge in luxury this, The Roxy, "Weekend of Weekemds."
This time there's no SOSC style homecrafted stale french bread , hold the
mayo, dry sandwiches, no pickles, 4.5 oz. chips, and a diet soda. Not
on your life. Just to make sure, Mr.Seymour leased 12 circus trailers
to transport the children's petting zoo to be parked in front of Haw'n
Garden's Four Doors, because of the wide dirt road, Mr.Seymour can
have his "petting zoo" and ferris wheel for the kiddies. Roxy Contest
is easily the highest ranked Women's in the world. God Bless You,
"Mr.Allan Seymour" for bringing World Class Surfing to San Onofre,
plus we gain all the #1 parking spots, as all the SOSC BOD rank & file
membership boycott the event. I guess they stay home and watch the
MLB playoffs. Hmmm... whatever happened to Evie Fletcher?

Written by Yorba Linda Linda.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:34 AM   1 Comments

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Yeah, but what's her stand on illegal immigration?
You give these ol' geezers an inch, and that want a mile. Yesterday,
103 year old Orvie Dale was introduced at the SOSC BOD covert
meeting, everyone loved Orvie, so guess what? Hymie Q. Bullsap
shows on the olden dirt road, proud as punch. Hymie stands at
107 tears old which would place him at the top of the "Oldest Guy
Still Surfing". Mr. Bullsap vividly remembers King Kahmeamea from
the old days. Old "Pappy" Procter wrote in his historic "Proctor Diary"
of Mr. Bullsap's non-stop ride from Cotten's Point to Las Pulgas Rd.
Pappy said it was truly a spectacular endeavor of 9.2 milles on a 125 lb.
log. This weekend Allan Seymour puts on another BOFFO, SOCKO,
SPECTACULAR, Roxy Contest, winner take all. I'm gonna get there
early cause it's gonna be the Mother of all Lines. Wouldn't be surprised
if Gidget showed before her book signing on Del Mar ST.

Written byTess Trueheart.


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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:57 AM   4 Comments

Monday, October 03, 2005

Boy, was I in for a pleasant surprise yesterday. First off,
SOSC BOD had a secret meeting of special people announcing
a very wise choice for President of the Surfboard Riding
Club. They couldn't have made a slicker choice, Leslie =W=.
Williams aka Birdman, aka Twinkle Toes, aka "Dr.Slash ".
As a bonus, Leslie introduced the oldest, true San Onofre
Living San Onofre Beach Legend, 103 year old (make that young)
Orville "Clyde" Dale, friend of George Freeth and Duke K.
Orvie was at a loss for words, but managed to grunt a few
words of thanks, thanking Jim Irwin for Jim's Lifetime
Award of Merit Trophy and Prayer Book. Unable to speak
in depth, Orvie drew Stickman figures in the sand (which
was rather scary with invasion of loose dogs) depicting
'Nofre at the turn of the century, especially when Orvie
inadvertently picked up a hardened doggie terd illustrating
symantics of yesteryear. Actually for being over a century
old Orville "Cyde" Dale, except for his lizard skin he is
in great shape.

Written by Johnny Fain.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:30 AM   1 Comments