This is way too much for me! Mr.Allan Seymoure is controlling
Roxy's San Onfre Baywatch I Surfing Club Pro Women's Contest, this
coming weekend. Guess who shows at my door last night, but
Doug Pray and crew to film (not tape) "The Paskowitz Family
Reunion" in production as we speak. This is not a VHS Super 8
Production. Grip trucks, arc light, key light, camera dolly rails,
reflevtors, and sandwiches, all after leaving 'Nofre (having all
Club members pissed) then pulling into my Fairy Harbour Condo,
PA's unloading the "shoot" equipment, set up and three hours in
the can, but the best part was the "wrap party". I could never figure
why the SOSC BOD doesn't like publicity, vollyballers maybe,
bocci ballers love it. The best part was the Malibu audition tape
of Legends of Malibu, and Malibu Shirt Co., Malibu Legends. featuring
Lance Carson and TUBESTEAK in a glimpse of what surfing really is,
never hurt no one. More good news: Ben Marcus' Coffee Table,
Surfing USA is on the way at MBI Publishing
I certainly wouldn't be surprised if Mr.Seymour doesn't top $250,000.00
this weekend. Don't forget, SOSC members always boycott non-club
affairs, so there will be loads of parking.
Written by Alan Greenspan.