Saturday, October 15, 2005



THE UPS DRIVER stopped yesterday, dropped off a special
surprise, Ben Marcus' hot off the press Surfing USA. Surfing USA,
208 pages deep, documents Ancient Haw'n Surf Folklore, Music,
Films, and all things in between. I met Marcus 20 years ago a Surfer
Mag ,his personality and knowledge of Surfing was astonishing, it was
no surprise when I read the book (which weighs a ton) from top to
bottom. Jeff Devine, Leroy Grannis, John Severson, Greg Noll, Doc Ball,
Rick Griffen, Wingnut, Dick Dale, Cololumbia Pictures, Screen Gems,
Allied Artists, Matson Lines. team up to give us a super overview
of what really happened as "The Coolest Sport of All Time" is laid out for us
in vivid color and crisp black and white. SOSC BOD is going to schitt
a brique when they see how unchanged "Nofre is from 1963, actually
you could drive there today and not notice any change. Tomorrow,
were going to examine the characters from Dale Velzy to da'Bull, and
Waikiki to Rincon, It's a great project, I'm going to spend today, not
going to 'Onofre, but rereading SURFING USA for tomorrow's BLOG.

Written by Bruce Savage.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:30 AM   2 Comments

Friday, October 14, 2005


Short and sweet! If Gov. Arnold doesn't get his propositions passed,
go to Saddleback and enroll in Spanish 101. Don't ask why. As Nike


Written by Gil Sedillo.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:50 AM   4 Comments

Thursday, October 13, 2005


If SOSC BOD had a wish list of their ten most desireable things,
what would your favorites be. For starters, here's mine. Paved
road, yank the logs and put in heavy concrete berms, name each
Latrine facility (e.g.bldg.#4) after a bona-fide 'Nofre Legend my
pick would be Darryl "Doggie" Diamond. Then I'd keep SOSC
contest bouys out 24/7/365 to give the beach a competitive venue.
does anyone know who Cantinflas was. Good. L.A.'s May0r Villaregosa
(not his real name) anstead of doing business as mayor he's taking
his act on the road doing Univision TV spots. Then the best thing a
seed yesterday was Gov. Arnold doing spots for Propasitions on tke
ballot calling the idiots "Ünion Bosses". For some strange reason,
that phrase reminded me of SOSC BOD. Yeah, Union Bosses. Haw!

Written by Paul Rodriguez.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:00 AM   9 Comments

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I just don't know why these beachcombers, under BIGKOOK'S command,
get their ass out of the shade, pack up and join their Hispanic brothers working
hand in hand, side by side, in New Orleans making $18.50 per hour at TARGET
getting The Big Easy ready for Mardi Grax. Also hiring at over $15.00 per
are Burger King, Wendy's, Uncle Willies Louisiana Style Sandwiches, English not a
must. $15.00 per with all the overtime you can handle at $22.50 per, ain't that
bad. At the time all jobs are non union, no initiation fees, no monthly dues.
Free medical, transportation's free, leaving San Diego (La Mesa) daily. As this is
emergency work, no payroll deductions will be taken from your pay envelope.
This is long term employment and you will be paid daily with a government
insured draught.

Written by George Bush 43

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 12:00 AM   3 Comments

Monday, October 10, 2005


There's nothing worse than going through life figureing you've
made the wrong career move. Yesterday I was packed up ready
to hit San Onofre for the Roxy Wrap Party, but figured every
hard-core loyal SOSC member would never allow me to live it
down. Just imagine going down there, seeing no Latino style
6 passenger black strollers, fold-up baby chairs adjacent to the
drop off at "Al Gee Baby Beach and Picnic Area", and Al Gee's
sitting there with a "what's this all about?" look on his face. I just didn't
want to face it, so like every SOSC regularI stayed home wathing
MLB series playoff and, best off all, gave my tired cell a good charge.
But, I hope Mr.Allan Seymour doesn't think I was part of the SOSC
boycott. I know Mr.Seymour is going to make a King's Ransom off
of his receipts. I hope Linda Benson and Mary Lou Drummy were
there. There is, however, great news on Mr.Seymour's part, his
Roxy contestants, over the three day period, netted the State
$7,000.00 in parking fees. Mr.Harding is nominating Mr.Seymour
for a "Special Citation Award" for his job creating parking revenues.
Maybe, it was a good idea the SOSC BOD and Members boycotted
the Special Event, it got rid of the Club Annual Passers making
the $10.00 parking slots available. Come to think of it Mr.Seymour
did a masterful job. Thanks Allan and Staff.

Written by Osama bin Kook.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:40 AM   3 Comments

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Welcome back to Surfing's Reality Show. Today, while at Ol 'Nofre,
I was given a secret on how to survive the trials and tribulations
of our pastime "You Are What You Wear!" Allan Seymour gave
a "class act" contest this weekend at our wonderful beach area,
believe us Mr.Seymour, you did us proud! What we may get to
watch, I hope, is a contest featuring a special distinguished surfing
hero of heroes, Mr.Paul Strauch of Haw'n Gardens. Would that not
be a natural, Mr.Allan Seymour presents the "Mr.Paul Strauch
Invitational Cheater 5 Open"? Mr.Leslie Williams could only
add authencity to the sprcial event by allowing Bulky Tees, other
than SOSC 50th Anniversery, as prizes, and as a special enticement:

Well, whadd'ya think? Aloha & Mahalo, Messrs Seymour, Strauch, and Williams.

Written by P.T.Barnum

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 3:59 AM   2 Comments