Saturday, October 02, 2004

October 2, 2004 "H e sure did!"

Back from a State Park Seminar Wednesday, Hal Dairywimple
made a bee-line to NofreNation. The first thing he sees is Ranger
Craig Ephriam distributing deviled egg finger sandwiches, chicken
noodle soup, soft tofu, and creamy mashed potatoes for easy chewing
to the old timers gathered beneath colorful beach umbrellas, tucked
in with nice shawl's, wearing Ugg Boots for warmth, it was 5:00 PM day before
yesterday, the Fall evening was becoming cold. Ranger Hal motioned
over Ranger Ephriam. "We have nothing but bad news for your
musicians," said Dairywimple. "We have to shut them down and now?"
he said. "But Hal, the ukelele concerts are these old folk's life, where
will they go?" said Ranger Craig. "Do they have a permit to play live
music on the beach?" "No they don't, sir, but most of these folk
are fifth generation Nofre," said Ranger Ephriam. Hal Dairywimple
illustrated a point where he met the oldest ranger alive, Papa Larson
age 84, who told him a story about the Manhattan Beach State Park Pier
around the mid fifties. A pier just like the one way up in Manhattan
Beach, at the end of Center Street down the road from the old Velzy shop,
headquarters for classic characters of the fifties. LuLu's White Stop Cafe
was the last stop before entering the massive concrete pier. Its roundhouse
at the end, home to Greg Noll, where he managed the fresh bait shop
overcharging for murky, foul tasting java, ten cents a cup, no tabs accepted.
Kid surfers were abundant, Bing Copeland, Dennis Brennan,
Bobby Fulbright, Bill McAlpine, older ones, Bev Morgan, George Kapu,
Tommy Trash, Barney Google, Bob Hogan, and Willy Barr. There were
no "woodies" just old Fords, ripped out back seat, rear windows smashed-out
to place the nine six balsas for trips to the cove. To the left side of the pier's
entrance, on the beach was nestled the "Manhattan Beach Surf Club".
The only problem is, Buccaneer Restaurant, The Hibachi Grill, Center St.
Deli, The Knothole Bar and Grill, but you can't have everything. Manhattan
Beach Pier was, and is, the Granddaddy of all piers. Unfortunately, the
old timers can't have their sponge cake and eat it too.

Written by Mike Hunt.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 10:12 AM   1 Comments

Friday, October 01, 2004

If you were part of this, you were there at the right time. The 50'S were the place to be in the surfing world. If you were there for the Simmons transition, the Velzy transition, the excellent balsa boards made by Dale, Hap, Greg, Renny. If you went to Zutes parties at Abalone cove. Did the drain on a Flexy Flyer at Wind and Sea, bleached your hair in 57, kept your board in the lockers on the Hermosa pier in the winter time, hung ten off the drain pipe at Lanuada Bay, was lucky enough to be greeted by the one and only Steak on the Fourth of July at Malibu saying you were not invited , being taken to the BU by the Greek to surf when you were to young to drive, going to Fosters Freez/Winchels on Fri and sat nights for the social scene in the Souht Bay, watching Dora go in at the Breakwater on a huge day and get the wave of the day, get out and leave, all in ten miniuts time
, go to Santa Monica City college to see Bud Browns surf movie and have Dora light the cherry bomb after Bud asked everyone to be cool. Bud walked off the stage in disgust and started the movie. TUTHILL/THERE

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 8:53 AM   0 Comments

Thursday, September 30, 2004

September 30, 2004 Trendiness is goodness.

If individuals were aware how stupid they looked, they would never again
wear ballcaps backwards, or talk on cellphones in restaurants. One thing
for sure, San Onofre is going to be a hotbed of activity this weekend's "End
of Summer Kickoff Breakfast". As comedy relief, BIGKOOK vs. Joe Shlump
the Midget and his valet Teenie-Weinie, in an "Indian Surf/Death Match
Winner Take All Challange". It all starts early, Ranger Ephriam shall be
hustling all remaining '50th Anniversery Bulky Tees, 2004 Edition.
SOSC general membership will be annoying people with their Raider
game full volume, while every tackle or dropped pass will be met with
beach drunks screaming, "YEAH! GO BLACK!" Raging as if they're an
intrical part of Pro Football. Anyways, I'm pulling for BIGKOOK to stomp
Joe Shlump's butt and Teeny Weinies ass. Btw, the Bulky Tees will
sell at 3 for $80.00. Don't be shut out.

Written by Art Gumm

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:10 AM   0 Comments

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

September 29, 2004. The end is near.

BIGKOOK finallyadmitted himself to the local hospital today attempting
to fight mental health. 'KOOK, we know you can beat it. TEAMKOOK,
incidentaly got fed up listening to all "beach peep" saying, "Raider game,
tonight, Bro." We feel your pain, gang. What's next, MLB playoffs. Way to
go Angels? Breeder's Cup is on the way. "Aawooo!" Ranger Craig Ephriam
disclosed his concern about dwindling Club membership, stating this would
kill Bulky Tee Shirt sales big time. I contacted the SOSC BOD, informing them
that I'm running big time for the BOD, there no reason the Club should wallow in
the 19th Century any longer. Haw, could you imagine NofreNation with
true atmosphere. I can, that's why I threw my hat in the ring. No more
light beer or white wine, turkey franks, 7 oz. bottles of beer. Nofrenation has
taken on the look of a beauty parlor. One drawback. I'll probably have to
join the Club [Yikes!]

Written by Knight--Ridder Oceanside Bureau

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 7:10 AM  

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

September 28, 2004 'NofreNation Man bites dog.

The gauntlet has been thrown. We want recognition just as other places
such as Malibu, Surf City, Rincon, that was the new "War Cry" for SOSC.
Assistant Chairman, Ranger Craig, stifled that, recalling a famous side-bar
passage in an old LA Times cover story, blaring, "Don't build us up. We don't
want people coming down here. This is our beach!" I didn't want to step on
anybody's toes but didn't that sound a little Surf Punkish, "My Beach". C'mon
you remember. Dairywimple's on sabbatical unable to comment. There's a move
afoot to have Mr.Tom Turner nominated for the all new NofreNation Hall of
Fame. After Mr.Turner, there should be room for Mr.Elroy Lang. I'm severely
hearing impaired, but some of those "mile long"'$250,000.00 stretch motor
homes could be annoying, but the BOD doesn't hear things such as that,
especially when the owner is a potential Club Member.

Written by Larry Beard

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:42 AM   0 Comments

September 28, 2004 True confessions.

San Onofre has had it's letdowns in surfing. mainly Legendary Figures.
We saw the nominations for SOSC Legends 2005 and it don't look no good,
only four made it: Ron Drummond, aluminum canoeist, Sgt.Keefer OCSD,
FingerBill, and the public's favorite, Winkie Twinkletoes.The sport's getting
rougher by the day. During years past, the SOSC LIST OF LEGENDS
overflowed, unfortunately attrition has caught up, plus the Club's Code of
Silence when it comes to media SID. Maybe, Sgt.Keefer, FingerBill, and of
this edition, anyways, Winkie Twinkle Toes are still alive. My vote goes
to Drummond, the Aluminum Canoeist, and his Philippine Mahogany Paddle.
The winner gets an all expense paid vacation for one at Rancho Talega Family
Resort and Spa. Senior Suferers is always a favorite with the OC Register.
Old folks feel because they've come to NofreNation for over quarter century
they feel their voice carries weight. Like out of a Surf Punk's tune "My Beach",
Seniors feel the gauntlet was theirs to pick up. "Please don't build this up,
we don't want people coming here", pleaded one, "this is our beach,
our waves. "Another added, There ain't no place like this place, but I never
tell nobody. Please, let us die in peace."

Written by Anonymous

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 4:50 AM  

Monday, September 27, 2004

September 27, 2004 Great steps taken.

Yesterday SOSC BOD took a meeting to solve äll of surfing's problems. Their first
resolution, and passing, was initializing bumper stickers for 2005, SAN ONOFRE:
ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE. The women loved it, as did the guys. Two weeks
ago, someone shot and killed Longboard Larry's voracious Pit Bull, bui it wasn't
"Honey Boy" as thought, no, it was a 4th Generation drunk who leveled
the stupid animal. Because of the ongoing investigation Animal Services could
not release the perpetrator's name, but you all know wfo he is by the Vusta
County Jail full size tatoo on his back. Alan Seymour offered a great idea
for the Club to rake in additional funds by selling amulets, curios, an trinkets,
at Roxy's International Women's Surf Contest, however, the Club
overwhelmingly nixed the idea, saying we want to keep 'Nofre the
same way as she was in '26, just in case George Freeth, Duke Kahanamoku,
and Dr.Barney Wilkes, ever make it back. How many BOD members
were there? Not many.

Written by Johnny Gohead

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 7:01 AM   0 Comments