Friday, September 26, 2003
Pin this! Got paid today, money in the bank, new ice-chest, Don't go back till
Wednesday, and it's my night to howl. Problem! The weekday crowd is so boring (how boring are they?) especially after the debacle in Sacramento yesterday. Such a deal? Can you believe California three years from now? I can. You'll be living in Rosarito Beach
because they'll all be up here. Collecting. Davis won't be ousted now, but Bustamante
will be the next Pio Pico. You don't know of Pio Pico? Well, Iraq will be like a game of tag compared to the flood gates being opened. We called the downfall of the Club six years
ago. That's what is happening to California now.
Thursday, September 25, 2003
THEBIGKOOK is finally bumped from the feature page by the debate recall candidates.
I watched until I could no longer understand those foriengers. Then they want to award amnisty to the criminals as a prize for sneaking into our wonderful country. These people should be running for the Club's BOD.
The puzzle is over. They found THEBIGKOOK, in distress with an abscess tooth, in a pup tent down by Dogpatch. The abscess had become severely agonizing, so bad he couldn't sleep. It was a blessing that his rescuers found him at all.
The throbbing abscess had swollen his tiny face to twice its normal size. He was laying down by the berm, uncovered and shuddering uncontrollably. The ER doctor, after examining THEBIGKOOK, declared he cheated death this time,
but no more drinking for twelve months--or else.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
"Somehing's rotten in Denmark". Summer is over and no sign of THEBIGKOOK.
We visited Neon at his "Gruesome Maneating Shark" Bulky tee shirt factory to query how we could get a "Have You Seen This Man" Bulky tee, featuring a TCU Head Shot of THEBIGKOOK. NeoN had good news--and he had bad news.
First the good news: His Gruesome Maneating Shark factory can do the shirts.
Then came the bad news the "Have Seen This Man...? Bulky would sell at the Collectors Item price of $65.00 one size fits all. they will be available until THEBIGKOOK is found.
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. The same goes for THEBIGKOOK. A birthday party at a free beer and pizza thing isn't acceptable without the 'KOOK. Of all the greats from San Onofre B_K was the only no show, If you're watching, THEBIGKOOK, as usual it was all the pizza and free brewskis you could drink Birthday Boy, Moe the Toe, drank your share. Everyone wanted to hear your good fortune about being a designee in the $I,800,000,000.00 class action lawsuit against Giant Microsoft, As usual we're all pulling for you. There's a big one in Manhattan Beach this Saturday, apparently unfortunately it's I/O.
Monday, September 22, 2003
Talk about bad timing think about this gargantuan blunder yesterday committed by THEBIGKOOK.
At 8:00 AM sharp he hits the beach with Ranger Dairywimple and a utility van filled with surveyors from the Power Plant. This was too much for the BOD who comes running over confronting THEBIGKOOK, Ranger Dairywymple and the survetors. Why, demands a BOD member, are you on this beach? Ranger Dairywimple
says were here in a prepreperation test to pave over the "primitivr dirt road" This Surfrider State Beach has been damaged by your surf club, too many complaints regarding barking dogs, filthy kook shacks, the shreaking monkey, failure to follow instructions, general incompetancy, and exceeding the 15 MPH speed limit so
we're installing an asphalt road with speed bumps to eliminate the problem. Ranger Dairywimple called bullshit on the club, thanks to THEBIGKOOK they may disband the club. Way to go BIGKOOK.
Talk about bad timing think about this gargantuan blunder yesterday committed by THEBIGKOOK himself.
At 8:00 AM sharp he hits the beach with Ranger Dairywimple and a utility van filled with surveyors from the Power Plant. This was too much for the BOD who comes running over confronting THEBIGKOOK, Ranger Dairywymple and the survetors. Why, demands a BOD member, are you on this beach? Ranger Dairywimple
says were here in a prepreperation test to pave over the "primitivr dirt road" This Surfrider State Beach has been damaged by your surf club, too many complaints regarding barking dogs, filthy kook shacks, the shreaking monkey, failure to follow instructions, general incompetancy, and exceeding the 15 MPH speed limit so
we're installing an asphalt road with speed bumps to eliminate the problem. Ranger Dairywimple called bullshit on the club, thanks to THEBIGKOOK they may disband the club. Way to go BIGKOOK.