Friday, December 02, 2005


Thank the Lord we have Les Williams to keep surfing honest.
June 6th 1951, Nick Gabaldon and L.A.County Lifeguard rode
across the face of a monster wave at Keller's Shelter a.k.a. Malibu,
Bob Hogan was in front, Nick Gabaldon followed him. Lifeguard
Hogan saw the rapidly approaching pier, yelling for Nick , "Pull
out, Nick!" Nick didn't. The above website leads us to believe
the sweeping monster was recorded on film. Boy, was I suckered.
The above photo is not Hogan and Gabaldon, but Dave Heiser and
Malibu Matt Kivlin taken Jan. 10th, 1953 by Joe Quigg at Rincon
CA. Les Williams has forgotten stuff about surfing than one would
ever know. At the Dairy, Les Williams is Surfing's Curator. I know
Hogan, Kivlin, Heiser, Leslie nailed it down. Anyways, Loren Harrison
was no slouch at Killer Dana. Those guys are surfing's heroes.

Written by Rick Crouton

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 9:29 AM   6 Comments

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Mr. Sabu Winewinkle has an addendum to yesterday's "Let
'Tookie' live, he don't want to die". Mr. Sabu says as long as
Republican President Bush pushes for more invasion of our
country by Hispanics, there must be a way to countermand
the President before La Opinion becomes the #1 paper in
California. Poor President did it again, however, SANO BOD
didn't know the difference. Does anyone here remember Howdy
Doody, the dummy who had a TV show in the '50's, well they've
got another dummy on TV, yes, George W. Bush is a bona fide
dummy, loved and cherished by San Onofre wan2bee Republicans.
Email Gov. Arnold to stay "Tookie's" execution. If not, Mexicans have
no worry, as they already own CA.

Written by Emilio Zapata DF.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 4:26 PM   0 Comments


There's a move afoot to make illegal immigrants from
Mexico welcome to what used to be our proud country.
Case in point, the Two Caballeros left last week for Baja.
I guess they enjoy traversing through third world
countries. Their destination was Campo del Acolado,
near The Blowhole. It's a gringo's paradise where they
all flock for a 3 day weekend. On the way they stop
at Calimex for mustard soaked sardines, Tecate, and
Mexican accoutrements. The ride from Old Nofre is
atrocious, chunks of concrete with rebar, mangy animals
whose owners don't want them, remenants of a once
proud Hotel gone, Califia and Popotla, shambles run down
Mom and Pop stores selling lukewarm milk. There sure are
a lot of squalid hovels down there that gringos like to descend
upon like flies on dogschitt. Could you picture Rodney King
putting down his 40 oz. Olde English 800 for a 7 oz. Bud Lite
Mini Beer, the official beer of Mexico? It appears Sabu
Wibewinkle, Prophet has issued a mandate regarding "Tookie"
and his stay of execution by Gov. Arnold on 12/8/2005.
California has been annexed and conquered by people whose
last name ends in a vowel or a Z. You know who they are
Villareagosa, Sanchez, Lopez, Nunez, all over California. Don't
give the politicians what they want, let 'Tookie" live, he don't
deserve to die. Sabu adds, if "Tookie" goes down California
becomes the largest Mexican state in the world. In '76 the influx
of amnistey people took over L.A. forcing our African-American
friends out of South Central and into poverty and dismay. If
"Tookie" lives it gives the Community a new life. Arriba "Tookie",
no mas Nunez. Think it over, Stop Black Flight. Take back California.

Written by Sabu Winewinkle.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:40 AM   1 Comments

Monday, November 28, 2005


If you give an inch they'll want a mile. The two Caballeros
discovered why they were detained in BC Norte, becausee of the
massive Latino protest over, get this, Mexicans want driver's
licenses given to any and all who wants one. No questions asked.
Meicanss love coming into our country, make hard earned gardener
money, cash their pay check, go to the local liquor store, buy a
suitcase size Bud Lite, official beer of Mexico, slam it down Friday
night, get in their work truck with rakes, brooms, burlap, and
leaf-blowers, enter the wrong-way to the freeway, plough head
on into a family of El Salvadorans, jump out, and run home to Mexico.
The uninsured El Salvadorians go on State aid while the protesters
scream this would never happen if America gave illegals licenses.
Someone mentioned to the two Cabelleros, if you go to Mexico
unbothered, theMexi's feel they should come here unchallenged.
If you want to be a part of Mexico apply for citizenship, they'd love
to have you.

Courtesy Ël Gringo Gazzette Ensenada BC DF. 11/28/2005

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 3:30 AM   3 Comments

Sunday, November 27, 2005


This is just about the funniest thing I've heard in quite
a while. There is an ongoing plight of the hispanic population
to reap the benefits of American taxpayer's dollars. Friday,
poor Moe and Shecky departed Old 'Nofre for a "few sessions"
at Pal Gee's trailer yard site in trendy B.C.Norte down at Puerto
Nuevo. Lots of suds, waves, and good times, way to go guys.
When the two caballeros left for San Clemente, they encountered
a gate shut down at San Ysidro with an explanation from Homeland
Security if you don't want immigration from Mexico then Mexico
wants to give you a taste of your own medicine, no one leaves
Mexico for the USA. So as of early this Sunday, the two caballeros
are stuck in Tijuana Bullring parking lot. Wait, no gringos in Mexico;
no Mexicans in USA. Now, that sounds good, doesn't it?

Written by Sylvester Stallone.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:03 AM   0 Comments