For the life of me I can't figure what the
attraction is with Sal Geez, his family of
many, and his stupid picnic table where
everyone wants to be seen. Color me
green with envy, but Sal sure knows how
to attract 'em week after week. People
flock to San Onofre to be seen with him,
his children, and grandchildren. Sal is
sorta' like a magnet. Beach buzz is if
Wes Williams kicks the bucket Sal takes
over the reins to the Club. Actually, it has
a nice ring to it, "Sal Geez, President San
Onofre Riding Club". I sure hope Sal adds
some 65 plus Senior Longboard heats. That
should jack up "Old Guys Rule" shirt sales.
Wow, I can see Grandpaw and Chip walking
into Ralph's with their matching 'Nofre 50th
Anniveresary Bulky Tees flipping "Shakka
Howzeet" sign. Hang Loose Brah!
Written by Blah Kimo Irwin