Saturday, May 06, 2006

Can you believe it is Sunday already?
Well, that Allan Seymoure sure knows how to
throw a party, he sure threw one this weekend.
There wre so many greats in attendance that
I felt humbled. Everybody had some kind of
a "book deal" in the making. The public
address announcer, JT, boomed heat by heat,
it was the funniest he's ever been. No censorship.
Mr. Seymoure thought of everything, with
the invasion of our country by Mexico by
the you-know-who's Allan incorperated Haw'n
food from Nalu's, Mission Viejo, none of that
greasy boycott stuff. I'm sure Mr. Seymoure is
aware his food was as good as Kempton's 25th
Aniversery bash of last year. My favorite comment
was when BK tricked us. He asked what's the
difference between St. Patrick's Day and Cinco
de Mayo? When he told me I fell off my bar
stool. What do you think of that? Hmmmm,
it's funny when the SOSC BOD leaves town
to be with the latinos in Baja nobody misses them.
Anyways, it was an honor being with a class
act, I can't wait for the next one.

Written by El Pachuco.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 3:31 PM   2 Comments

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Don't forget today's Friday, payday.
It didn't take much, but the "Surfers of
Legion" sure put Pal Gee and Taleaga
on the back burner. Btw, when's Club Luau?
Sounds exciting! Hey now, at least we have
Allan Seymoure to get us through the weekend.
SanOnofre Classic starts Saturday 7:00 AM sharp.
No bocci ballers. Where does Pal Yee dissapear,
probably Baja trying to be Mexican. Thanks
everybody for being there Monday night. Don't
feel bad if you weren't maybe you didn't
belong. Cueball, they loved you. The
'Nofre regulars wouldn't boycott the
illegals, but they'll boycott another
non-sanctioned contest, which means
more parking for the rest of us. Anyways,
I'm sticking to Seymoure like flies on dogschitt.
I wanna' get my picture in the paper.

Written by Wes Williams.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 1:15 PM   5 Comments

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Can you believe this? A maverick surf
club located in North San Diego County
authorized funds from theit treasury for
a massive defribulator purchase for the
State Beach at San Onofre. The main break
is named "Old Man's, therefore, defibillators.
Instead of the needless purchase of
"jump-starting" equipment, they, they being
the State, should make SOSC members over 40
bring a note from Doctor saying it's okay to enter
the waters. As long as old guys have a
"death-wish", like, I'm gonna' surf till I die, just
let them go, spend the money on paving the dirt
road. Remember, members, BOD voted for it,
not you. Next meeting the BOD votes amnesty
for illegals.

Written by Ben Casey.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 7:41 AM   6 Comments