Man, oh man, Nofre sure has seen it's day. Ben Marcus
in a documentary filmed in Hawaii from 1906 to the present.
Included in the film is a piece about San Onofre in 1946.
What you see is not what you got. The beach seascape is
not what the SOSC BOD wants you to see. There just ain't
no crapp on the beach, no unsightly bamboo shootz, no
ice-plant, just a beautiful natural landscaped beach at
the base chiseled sandstone bluffs, separated by a rustic
access road from the hook to road's end. Remember, this
was '46, prior to the annexation of by the SOSC and their
BOD. Then came the gallon wine jugs for the boozeing
gallons of Acme beer guzzled i n until unconsciousnessss
overcame the members. They went directly from WW II
on their GI Bill Entitlement at USC. Happy as pigs in garbage,
the fellows formed a half ass surf club, naming it The San Onofre
Surfing Club. fouded 1953. Everything was going smooth for the
adventurers, beautiful waves, clear skies, and like a all true
beach bums, not a care in the world--eat, drink, sleep, and surf.
Thank Gawd for Corky Carroll, he had Nixon turn the beach
over to the State in exchange for the SONGS Power Plant, who
then came in to push, shove, dunp, fill, any and all dirt over the
pristine bluffs allowing weeds, junk unsiightly bamboo, ice plant,
telephone pole barricades, along the access road, although the SOSC
BOD wanted it to look just like Peanuts Larson and Hi Ho Silver had
just came back and wouldn't be shocked by the change. So now, you
have the transformation of a natural landscape into dirt and weeds
Powere Plant, disfigured bluffs, uncontrollable parking, and rebelious
wan2bees cluttering the beach. Fyi, Mexican, Jose Elias Sandoval,
murdered a Caucasion at the Beach Hut on El Camino. Why do
they allow crazed Mexicans into the USA. Tomorrow part II.
Written by Tommy Trojan