Thursday, June 22, 2006

Finally, the voice of reason surfaces. The reason
for Wednesday's gridlock was explained by the
nicest lady Ranger, I asked why the gridlock she
answered the State wants to pave the silly,
antiquated, filthy, dusty, dirt road, however,
the SOSC BOD said no deal. I, myself, feel
they could squeeze a hell of alot of families
in if they poured lots of asphalt, added
concrete parking berms, and bright yellow
parking stripes. But no, the SOSC BOD
think Eddie McBride and Jack White
are coming back any day. HAW! When
pigs fly. Actually, an unnamed source from
Ranger Headquarters say they will be
installing video camera, not unlike the
ones on traffic lights to track violators. In
the process the State shall install surveilance
videos, undetectable in all women's dressing
stalls, toilets, and private areas from Bldg.#1
through #8. Smile! You're on "Candid Camera",

Written by Larry Coronary.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 3:45 PM   0 Comments

Now this takes the cake. Yesterday at old
'Nofre they had a full house. Yep, it was so
full SOSC BOD nembers couldn't get in.
They had pop-ups for Billabong, Gotcha,
Bullfrog, but the reason I was there,
"SURFER'S HEALING" for the less fortunate
kids who want to be part of our wonderful
pastime. The autistic children and their
family gathered at "DogScratch" causing a
massive log jam on that prehistoric, ancient,
dusty, dirt road. Locals went ballistacs because
they lost control of *their* beach. Everybody
and their uncle had a bullhorn, "Register Here"
banners snapped in the breeze, the line snaked
all the way to Bldg. #5. There was so much great
BBQ Dogs &Burgers you could feed an army
(if they could get in). The drinks were ice-cold,
BK was at his best, it was a marvelous day,
thanks Izzy. Actually that's how surfing was back
in the day when you went to the beach to have
fun, not because you thought you owned it. As
hectic as the "Locals" imagined it was,
Ranger Harding was there maintaining law&order.
The best part is, Saturday at Topanga State Beach
"SURFER'S HEALING" puts on another show,
which makes it great for Sal Geez and the SOSC
BOD, why? Because they can get back to their
old man gay bocci ball games, and plug up the
dirt cow path on their own.

Written by Larry Coronary.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 9:35 AM   12 Comments