Saturday, April 30, 2005





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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:00 AM   7 Comments

Friday, April 29, 2005

San Onofre, belteve it or not, Surfng has changed.
Vonzo Conroy and Sam "Did you hear the one about
the Priest, the Rabbi, and the minister" Conroy. You
all will feel right at home Saturday April 30, 2005
at Malibu for the raffle, full-on beach party, celebrity fest
food (no turkey franks) and drink, backed up by KSON's
Les Perry, surf music by the the "Maliboozers", held on
Cross Creek Rd. in the heart of Malibu. sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce. Special guests Kemp "Mr. Soul Arch",
Aaberg, The Great Kahuna "From North of Laguna", Gidget,
and all you favorites. Festivities begin at 1:00 PM. Get out of
that 'Nofre bocci-ball rut, come visit he "Real World of Surfing".
it's at Malibu, If you live in beautiful San Diego, Rember Donna
Frye for Mayor. Anyways, happy cold showers. So, if the BOD
ask wfere I'm at, tell them at my grammar lesson and to go
ahead with the meeting.

Written by Mr. Entertainment

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 4:34 AM   15 Comments

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Brand new outlook for South OC.

I became more and more despondent because of San Onofre
dirt road Medical Center Surf Beach. Surfing is not kerosene soaked
dirt roads on which to play that silly bocci balls game, while walking
around carrying a aluminum can containing Bud Lite. If only the guys
wood give Dana Point a chance. Take today, we're gonna walk around
the Harbor, bicycle to San Juan Capistrano Mission, stop by Starbucks
for a decadent mocha java double steeped, air blown rich fresh cream,
and a chunky microwaved zucchini muffin. This is so wonderful for us
because we know whar's going at 'Nofre, nothing, absolutly nothing.
Here at the Harbor we have so many things to do but not enough time
to do them. The gang might do a ride to Las Pulgas on their balloon tire
Strand Cruiser. Once you get out of that SANO beach rut you realize what
a fabulous life we have. Now, I know what the Aloha Spirit is.

Written by Rabbit Kekei

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:08 AM   11 Comments

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:20 PM   10 Comments

Don't fall for it. Michael Jackson, who can afford the best in the
universe, ain't gonna mess with Vasoline when he can afford
ASTROGLIDE. We're still having a ball here in Doheny State
Surf Beach, Mallusav Caviar Beluga, Dom Perignon Brut, Filet
Mingon, and the best Petit Sirah ('79), with strolls to the Harbor
for frozen yogurt, quite a change from 7/11 cups filled with
Cucamonga Village from Fred's Liquor. Please take moments
to glance at comments at the end of today's BLOG, some very
funny stuff, none of which I wrote. Americans, you don't know
what's in your future, but you will within three years. This
weekend I must go north to 90265 as they're re-opening
Tube's Steak and Lobster Restaurant across from the pier.
As we speak, we are at Starbucks in the Yacht Harbor glued
to the intercontental radio listening for more bad news
from Ciudad Los Angeles, State of Mexico.

Written by Vincente Fox (La Opinion).

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 4:07 AM   6 Comments

Monday, April 25, 2005

Someone had to say it, and I'm glad.

Now that I'm officially from Doheny Surf Beach I can finally
say what I've thought for years, people past age forty look
silly and stupid when they surf. This is most noticeable at
San Onofre State Surf Beach, the place they call "Old Man's".
Ever notice how many events the have for old ladies and men?
The sad part of older and elderly folk, no matter how great they
were in their youth, once you lose that half step, you've lost it.
Go inshore, sit on the log and "talk story" about the day when
you rode with the best. Then you got tired, lost a step, needed
a suds before you went back out. Here at Doheny we're able to
walk across PCH, drop into Buckingham Palace order a tankard
of ale and bullschit all day while the sun sets in the west. One
advantage is you won't have moochers, freeloaders, and beach-bums
cleaning out your ice-chest. Sound familiar? This is your last chance
to join us "old guys" before it's too late. Every amenity of which
you've dreamed is here at, as we call it, DoHo . Kiss that "Old Man's"
beach good bye, come celebrate the good tines with us. "Awwooo".

Written by Pop Proctor Jr.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 4:05 AM   31 Comments

Sunday, April 24, 2005

It was just a matter of time.

San Onofre is wrapped like a tamale in a corn husk. Yesterday, we
went to Doheny State Park located in beautiful Dana Park Harbor,
boy what a spot that is seagulls, shade, asphalt roads (no speeders),
no beach bosses, no overweight farm dogs, and a fellow selling popsicles
from a three wheel bike, the kind you see "seniors"riding in Laguna
Woods. Great food, great folks, great bullschitt by the Master himself,
Doc Paskowitz. Why, you ask, was everything so great? Simple they
eulogized San Onofre. Please SOSC BOD come spend a weakened with
us, see how the other half lives. Motorhomes here dwarf the ones ai
'Nofre. Dogs up here talk, they're forbidden to bark. I knew it, but the
"BEACH BUM" style of life went out in the very early '60's. Adalante,
'Nofre, catch up with the times. Btw, the Yahtzees, stay in the harbor
and you can't feel their condescension over here.

Written by Cholly Knickerbocker.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:42 AM   7 Comments