Someone had to say it, and I'm glad.
Now that I'm officially from Doheny Surf Beach I can finally
say what I've thought for years, people past age forty look
silly and stupid when they surf. This is most noticeable at
San Onofre State Surf Beach, the place they call "Old Man's".
Ever notice how many events the have for old ladies and men?
The sad part of older and elderly folk, no matter how great they
were in their youth, once you lose that half step, you've lost it.
Go inshore, sit on the log and "talk story" about the day when
you rode with the best. Then you got tired, lost a step, needed
a suds before you went back out. Here at Doheny we're able to
walk across PCH, drop into Buckingham Palace order a tankard
of ale and bullschit all day while the sun sets in the west. One
advantage is you won't have moochers, freeloaders, and beach-bums
cleaning out your ice-chest. Sound familiar? This is your last chance
to join us "old guys" before it's too late. Every amenity of which
you've dreamed is here at, as we call it, DoHo . Kiss that "Old Man's"
beach good bye, come celebrate the good tines with us. "Awwooo".
Written by Pop Proctor Jr.