Saturday, July 19, 2003

You may or may not be familiar with the name Don Wilson. Years back he went on a credit card rampage with Miki Dora. Now they are both dead. Wilson went peacefully in his sleep surrounded by family and friends in Pacific Pallisades, CA. May the good Lord have mercy on your soul.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:10 PM   0 Comments

Free advice, at no charge, if you live near the ocean and love it, Head south to the "other side" toward Rosarito Beach, go just past town till you get to a spot named "POPOTLA" where the White Arch is, turn right, toward the ocean, the dirt road dead ends, park and investigate the fishmongers. I saw fish broker, Shecky, from San Onofre go down the path to the beach and cut him self a deal for barn door halibut at .40 per pound cleaned and filleted right in front of your eyes. Avoid the fish trailer shops where they'll charge an arm and a leg (which is still cheap). Please do not feed "Sammy the Seal" as he eats 140 kilos of fish a day. Remember the band "JETLINER".

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 8:23 AM   0 Comments

Friday, July 18, 2003

There's too much going on to believe. There's a town way out here in southern Orange County CA.

It's constantly overcast, tempeture rarely exceeds 69.2 degrees. Converesly,

North Las Vegas schorches at 115.4 degrees un the shade. Days are

becoming shorter, summers nearly over. I don't know about you but I love it.

Skin cancer sun worshipers hate cloudy weather which proves you can't please everyone.

Have a safe and sane holiday but please drive carefully. we need the readers.


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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 11:24 AM   0 Comments