January 22, 2005 Blessing in disguise.
Ranger Dairywimple received a wonderful note from our visitors
at La Conchita, who have sinced returned to the "Mound". Mound
people were impressed by the "laissez fairy" laid back attitude of the
"Beach Peep" they hoped you could come up and have your magical
moments rub off on them. They have no intention of gainful employment,
but part time work is available at Conchita's Banana Plantation on US 101.
The "Mound" people know you will love it, and shall show you the ropes
for communal living. Lots of vacant houses that you can move in
rent free, no strings attached. Please contact 'Nofre coordinaters, Bob Larson
and Gatekeeper Donn.
Written by Charlie Manson.