October 14, 2004 Slo Pitch Salami League.
Summer's over, time to move on. "Rib Trader" restaurant is sponsoring an
off season "beer belly"sports league and looking for a team nickname. How would
you fill in the blank space : Rib Trader__________. I think some keen names
would be Wolves; Drunkards; Schnoorers; Dorks; Turkeys; Lushes; Jokers;
Killers; Curl Masters; Bongers; Devils; Sharks; Whiners; Slobberers, or
whatever your entry might be. Along with the team names, what would be
your favorite uniforum colors, and should the ball caps be worn with the bill
backwards. One other thing, the team will be called, e.g. The "Nofre Terds.
e.g. means ' for example'. You must be 40 plus to play in the league, and no
transvestites need apply. At the bottem left of this page, insert your choice
under comments. Snail green and burgandy colored jerseys would read:
Written by Lenny Phartt.