Monday, August 16, 2004

August 16, 2004 No rest for the weary.

The first thing to hit Super'tenant Dairywimple and Ranger Ephriam upon
their return was the new sign installed by State of California on Bldg. #4,
latrines #1 and #2 declaring "WARNING! Water Drains Directly Into Ocean"
which means all raw sewage enters the shorebreak. Period, no filtration. no
nothing, Smack dab in the middle of BIGKOOK'S Homeless Shelter. I was there
yesterday when they discovered the spillage pouring directly into the tide hole.
Ranger Ephriam was knee deep in sewage posting "Polluted Water Do Not Enter",
as Super'tenant Dairywimple consoled a sobbing nymphet, in her very early
twenties, confessing the State ruined the Bamboo Forrest when TEAMBIGKOOK
used to "slam her like an eight dollar omelet" out of view in the hidden rooms .
Everyone thought the beach entrance spike would cut down on cars, but were
they wrong. Looking things over yesterday, I'd be surprised if there wasn't
gunplay before summer's finished. The next surfing fantasy for SOSC BOD
is Club Contest early September where Haw'n Surf Camp has an all star
team of "old guys" ready to beef o' wha'. If things unfold the way they
should the "Road to Bizarre"could turn into the parking lot at the LA Coliseum,
if you know what I mean.

Produced, Written, and Directed, by NeoN D. Surfer

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