Be a part of Surf History--Now!
Well surfers, time has come for your input for San O nofre's name change.
As you may, or may not, know the Foothill Toll Road Project (FTRP)
as been approved for immediate construction. Depletion of the San Mateo
Campground begins 7/1/2005, with the San Mateo bean fields dug up
beginning 8/1/2005. FTRP exits OC at San Mateo Pt. Coast Guard Station
at the planned six level interchange annihilating Trestles, Cotten's Pt.,
Inner's, Outter's, Church's, Pt. Surfride, Old Men's, and Trail Six, continuing
its journey to the Mexican Border. Interstate 5 is completely overpowered by
traffic from Sam Ysidro to Simi Valley. Some suggestions for a name is
Clemente Island, County Line, Tijuana Parkway, Pendleton Express Way,
International Connector, Caesar Chavez Interchange, to name a few. Winner
will be issued a Annual Pass for year 2007. The Seate does noy wish to
inconvenience any surfers, but it suggests you contact your beach Pastor
for guidance.
Written by Simon La Gree.
SiMoN yer ass sucks canal water. go back tu san yskidrow.
andy o'nonomous
How about the "Les Williams Memorial Parkway of Mexico"?
Attn:Al Wino first, tell L.williams get his own blog. we dont need no stinkeen memorial parkway of mexico.
a.pendejo df
This new hi-way should have 8 lanes north and only 2 south as 4 times as many come from Mexico (illegally) then go to it.
hey dumbass anita you should change your name to ineesa banos.
el muchacho commacho
Wir fahren, fahren, fahren auf dem Autobahn. (Schneller ist besser...)
where's the toilet?: wo is de tante Meyer? /vow is day tanne migher
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