Tuesday, March 29, 2005

March 29, 2005 We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

While preparing the Wayne Miyata shrine, they showed
the Legends of Malibu tape featuring a bit with Wayne.
Watching Malibu you are made excactly how far back in
time San Onofre is, and for the pastime of surfing that
ain't good. It's hard to imagine George Downing, Dale
Velzy, and Dewet Weber, planning a weekend around
games, volleyball, cherry-pit spitting contest, and hula-hula
displays. At the end of the tape a question aeose regarding
Why havem't they nade a tapr of "The Legends of San
Onofre? The answere is easy, the SOSC BOD is freightened
of everyone in America will drop what they are doing and
flock to Old 'Nofre and wait inat insipid line for 2.5 hours
then pay $10.00 to get in, and that price ain't
comimg down, no way.

Written by Pappy Procter

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