March 16, 2005 What did you expect?
If you think SOSC BOD are in a good mood, wait'll you see this.
When they get to Old 'Nofre today they are gonna schitt a brique.
Way early today the Dept. of Homeland Security (formerly INS)
towed and anchored a 300x150 barge offshore main break, Old Man's.
The barge, out of Wilmington Deleware, will completely shut down any
and all breakers that may arrive this summer. The weathered barge,
Mara Salvatucha coated in tar, rusted railings, and a 48 star flag was
ordered by " Öld Ironsides" George Bush and Vincente Fox, Vice
President to ward off any Kamikaze attacks on SONGS, as Bush says
"just in case". If nothing else, the sand should return by next wimter,
plua additional volleyball courts can be installed sccording to Uncle
Val. This is another step foward by our San Onofre Surfing Club.
Written by Emilio Zapata
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