HOLY MARANATHA, PRAISE THE LORD, SAY HALLALEULAH. Ranger Dairywimple approved, much to the delight of Deputy Ephriam, Talega Ranchero's Easter Sunrise Services for 5:00 AM Sunday morning at "The Old Man's Memorial Center" located beneath the hallowed palm frond shack. Pastor Andrew, his hot 19 year old wife, Bambee, received their "good tidings" this morning, so it looks as if they'll have an Easter Egg Hunt for over five hundred frenzied children aged 3 to 10. Deputy Ephriam warned the SOSC BOD the beach may be unusable until 2:00 PM Sunday. He also deputized the Pastor's wife as egg hunt moniter. Services will begin at 6:00 AM sharp with a Convocation by Deacon BIGKOOK, himself, distributing chocolate Easter Bunnies as long as supplies last. Guest list includes Rancho Santa Margarita, Temeculah Rough Rider Club, and North Beach, San Clemente. Ranger Dairywimple will personaly man the entrance kiosk ensuring no "uninvited gate crashers".
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