Monday, February 09, 2004

BACK IN '86 I DID A GIG AT MALIBU WITH LANCE CARSON, "Malibu Summer Reunion", It was so emotional moving, I decided to put "the demon" back in the bottle. I'm exuberant I did, because after visiting a "changed" San Onofre, I can understand the reason for the excess boozing. First, BIGKOOK flopped and that drove a stake in the beach's throbbing heart. Rancho Talega, and it's neer-do-wells, have annexed TBK's beach club, including Starwarz second hand discarded furniture which cluttered that end of the beach. Ranger Dairywimple, not wanting to offend paying customers, turned his head, as a dog owner would, as his hairy beast took a massive dump on the sand. Nobody said it's easy being a Legend, but there was no way I'd leave the sancturary of my auto to venture amid the pack of loose dogs roaming the beach while their master choked up the traffic flow with their sacred Boca ball gane. I remember as a child coming to 'Nofre and laying in the pure and unadulterated white sand. No more. The moment you came on the beach it smells as if you entered a kennel, it was awful. No wonder I can't sleep at night.

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