Tuesday, March 01, 2005

March 1,, 2005 Schitt hitz the fan.

This here computer lightst up like a Christmas tree after
yesterday's great news. Dairywimple's giving surfing
back to the kids. Taleaga emails favored "öut with the
old, in with the new". Taleaga Tillie (not real name) said,
"If the old guys don't like it, give it up, they can become
surfing coaches." 'Old Fellow's' not very happy, "Hell, I'm
in my late forties, I want to participate in the old timer's
"Golden Oldies" against Jack Miller, Tom Witt, Les Williams,
Bobby Keifer, and Vonzo Gonzo Morandzo, yeah all them greats
of surfing. Old Timer, I don't think you're going to make it.
Get a 'tude. Be a judge. Unless you're over 90, I don't think
people know who Dr.Barney Wilkes was. Some people want
BIGKOOK to show at the Taleaga meeting tonight with
his Kenny Rodger's rendition of, "You got to know when
to hold them, and know when to fold them!" When was the
last time you saw a 60+ year old at Yankee Stadium trying
to shag fly balls with Lou Gerhig?

Weitten by Rip vanWilkes.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 7:01 AM   5 Comments


At 6:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let "er rip BK~!

At 11:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I want to surf till I die, get cremated and have my ashes dumped at Point Paradise. Aloha and Mahalo,

At 12:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumping of ashes is not permitted by order of the SOSC BOD. All ashes must be spread in the bamboo grove, they cannot simply be dumped. A permit must be obtained from Ranger Ephriam.

B. Ray Deashes

At 5:09 PM , Blogger Huevos Rancheros said...

My Dear B. R. Bushes: FYI, Ranger Ephtiam and his band of merrymen
don't know Jack Schitt. Or Bo Diddley Squatt for that matter,


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