Monday, February 21, 2005

Febuary 21, 2005 Hyperion South.

"The Moron" joined "Old Fellow" at Starbuck's San Clemente Centro
this horribly damp and wet morning. They discussed the inability for
San Onofre's La Punta to control the flowing mud, uprooted bamboo,
boulders, silt, toppled picnic tables, abandoned chome rims, and deserted,
unrepairable aluminum beach chairs. The Moron said La Punta's regulars
blame Dairywimple and Ephriam for flood control at Old O'fre causing the
beach (owned by Forrestor Ranch, leased to Camp Pendelton, administered
by the CaliforniaDept. of Parks), but considered by La Punta's Junta, to be
their private beach (not unlike La Conchita near Santa Barbara). "Well
"Moron, the only way they can handle the raw sewage at Old O'fre is to
install a massive sewer treatment plant like they have in El Segundo up
north, down here it could be named the San Onofre Treatment Centre."
Öld Fellow, isn't this what they call El Nino, would it not be cheaper
to wait it out, come back March 17 for St. Patrick's Day, and start
over again?" I think maybe "Moron's got a point, at least the deluge has
diverted attention from the Taleagalites, and that is good. at least Haw'n
Gardne's Beach Club just strums their ukaleles and relax all day. "No
problema, brah," they never pick on anyone.

Written by Terry Weird.

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