Monday, February 07, 2005

Feburary 7, 2005 The day after.

Swoozie, the Scottish Terrier, will be arraigned at O'fre today for
pennance following the viscious and savage attack resulting in the
demise of O'Really, the Irish Setter. Swoozie will be marcched along
the "muddy ancient dirt road" for all to see in broad daylight as
a reminder why all farm animals must be left at the ranch or at least
at home. The sign on the beach specifies no loose dogs on the beach.
H E L L O! dog owners Rancho O'fre is not a petting zoo, as O'Riley's
companion soon found out. O'Riley is the Irish Setter, who was not
maimed by Swoozie by scampering back to the safety of its owners
Yellow Hummer 4. Witnesses said there was no senseless reason the
Setters should have been allowed on the beach. "PAViING THE WAVE"
producer alertly captured the brutal attack on film and audio. Ranger
Dairywimple and Ranger Ehphriam will analyze the film and place blame
where blame is due. Dairywimple indicated San Onofre is for surfers, not
sniffing dogs who sniff between massive dumps then kiss their owner
on the mouth. Yuckie!

Written by Uncle Matty.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:01 AM