Wednesday, January 26, 2005

January 26, 2005 Three strikes and you're out.

Remember the name Juan Manuel Alvarez. Remember George W.
Bush's Guest Worker Amnesty program. Twelve dead on Metrolink
pile-up in Glendale CA caused by one of Bush's illegal immigrants here
in the USA awaiting amnesty. Yes, Juan Manuel Alvarez of Compten
CA. Thirty two dead Marines in Iraq because Bush wants the world to
know he's boss. Juan Manuel Alvarez 12! George W. Bush 32! Wake
me when it's over.

Written by Ira Dunno

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:01 PM   9 Comments


At 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another tragedy.
Another hit to our way of life by a foreigner.

Tubesteak, liked what you said sometime back about the pachucos that just kept coming.
Maybe its time for a brand new *zuit suit riot*. Only this time the construction companies, restaraunts etc. that hire these types make it easier for them to stay in their homelands.


Senor don Ricardo Montalban jr.

At 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another tragedy.
Another hit to our way of life by a foreigner.

Tubesteak, liked what you said sometime back about the pachucos that just kept coming.
Maybe its time for a brand new *zuit suit riot*. Only this time the construction companies, restaraunts etc. that hire these types make it easier for them to stay in their homelands.


Senor don Ricardo Montalban jr.

At 2:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you please provide some evidence besides his name and skin color that Mr. Alvarez is an illegal immigrant?

At 8:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turns out Juan Jose Manuel Cabrone Luis Alvarez is legal. Probably born here two days after his mother crossed illegally back in '79. I remember those days in San Onofre. Sometimes seeing hundreds of Illegals walking north in a single day. Hundreds on freight trains too. The border patrol would sometimes stop the train and round em up. In the campgrounds south of the powerplant at night it would come alive with illegals coming out of the bushes after having snuck past the 'checkpoint'. How did so many get through Camp Pendelton? I'm talking millions here! Ahh, good ol 'reaganomics'. Now that's real economics. Think about it.

At 8:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what his uninsured, illegal, mom's hospital delivery bill was and what 'she' paid and what YOU paid. I wonders I do.

At 10:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny. Three maybe four million walk across the border right through Camp Pendelton in the last twenty five+ years, yet we expect these same marines to secure Iraq??? Hey!!, security begins at home. Next we go into Syria, after that Iran. Be at rest, your children's education is on the back burner. Health care for illegals is numero uno, cause grandma and gramps are paying for it with their outrageous drug bills. Let us just face it. This administration is probably the worst ever in history. Imagine if in 1962 we had this jackass in office. Think about it. instead of an embargo that lasted six days, Geo. W. probably would have launched the nukes. Think about it. Kennedy had 'absolute' photographic and CIA intellingence. What did Bush have???

Bush had ten years of embargo. Full knowledge that Iraq was incapable of making such weapons. Weapons inspectore kicked out by the UN? No Geo W. said leave cause I'm a commin. "Bring it on"

Think about it! Just think.

At 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

its so nice to reed such inteligent stuff, my sister jen gets old and boring after the hardcore bondage that grampa taught me; yep after some passionate sodomy on my sister its relaxing to read that there are others out there that feel the way I do about all these gross mexicans

At 9:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Seeester?

Ricardo Montalban Jr.

At 8:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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