Tuesday, January 25, 2005

January 25, 2005 You elected him.

There may be a remake of the movie, "Dumber Than Dumb", about
=Dubyah= and his anti abortion program, and his efforts to get
as many mexicanos in this country as he can before he bows out.
Such a goddam humanitarian he is. Phuck San Fernando, save Baghdad.
Anti-abortion equals more babies, open border guest workers equals
mas, mas, y mucho mas immigraciones. Put another way, in one hole
out the other. They've annexed CA, next the Great Plains. "I want
a driver's license, and I want it ahorra, pronto!" Bush's dream is to be
the wonderful person bringing elections to Iraq (like who really gives
a schitt). This just in: Von's, Albertson, and Ralphs just lost a
$22,000,000.00 to the illegal immigrants lawsuit for paying janitors
reduced wages (which is $5.50 more per hour than they make in meiuco.
Give ém an inch they'll want a mile.

Written by Bessie May Kewloo

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 6:01 AM   4 Comments


At 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

a small trade group i belong to lobbied the arizona governors office to bring about a guest worker program. ( at the time there was a great need for extra help ) !!! that has been tabled for a long time now. I really dont know what to do with them now. they picket the streets of phoenix. like anyone gives a schitt.
even worse use our court system to their advantage, while living here illegally.

btw those south of the border types are saturating the midwest too.

Ricardo Montalban Jr.

At 12:08 PM , Blogger Huevos Rancheros said...

We out here in Ciudad Mexico, Norte feel your pain. The minute you wake up and smell the chorizo, the better off you'll be. You have 18 months to gather your belongings and head back to Ireland.

Yuri Logist

At 6:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Jorge W. Arbusto fails to realize is that they will all vote for Cruz Bustamonte and Antonio Villaraigosa. LA RAZA, BABY!!!!!!!!!!

At 2:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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