Febuary 12, 2005 My first weekend off.
As usual the quagmire at SANO was unbearable. Leo and Peg said
forget O'fre, come by Doheny for the Iowa picnic, no line, paved road, no
Haw'n Club, no crapping animals, just happy seagulls flying over head.
It seems they don't want to open the road to "Save our surf beach", so the salami
leaguers can stand on the logs telling one another how good it's going to
get when the tide cones in. Talk about slow-pitch leaguers, Old :Nofre
has ém beat. Charts, gradiants, anything that they can schoot
the schitt about rather than go in the water. Surfing's for kids, anyways,
anyone over 40 that still surf, well, they look foolish. "Dude, where's my
Ugg Boots and fiftieth anniversery bulky Tee?"
Written by "Old Guy Surfer".
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