Wednesday, March 03, 2004

WE TRY TO KEEP THIS BLOG REAL, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Here's how the "grass roots people feel": Hi, my name is Samantha (call me 'Sam'), we reside in Talega Heights and, boy, are we glad that pesky Retail Clerk's strike is over. OMG, how awful was it having to drive to Monarch Bay's Gelsons for provisions. By the time we drove there and back to Rancho San Onofre we had to sit in that god awful hoi-paloi line waiting to get to our favorite beach ." Well, there you have it. A lot of inconvenience was caused by those 19 year old part time strikers. One bright side of life, Gov.Arnie got his prayers answered with the election giving him carte blanch for "It's for the children" plea. Bush knows he's on his way out so he allows gas prices to soar "sky high". Well, he is an "oil man" isn't he? Don't you forget, State Park Fees increase way up to $379.00 for you're Annual Pass, 7/1/2004. Like Bush and Gov.Arnie say, "The sky's the limit".

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 10:08 AM   0 Comments


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