Sunday, December 21, 2003


a fantastic idea for the NEW YEAR celebration at San Onofre.

SOSC BOD sure aren't going to like this, but Sluggo suggested

suggested a San Onofre Squid Game be held, 1/1/2004, at Main Beach

Volleyball Center featuring our San Onofre Midgets versus Dana

Harbor baby's Beach Mighty Mites in a sudden death No Holds Barred

Scrimmage, kickoff at 10:00 AM sharp. You don't know what a Squid

Game is it's youth playing tackle football in the sand. which reminds me of

this punch-drunk musclebound kid who live beneath the Santa Monica Tower

Six Lifeguard perch, the one at which they film Baywatch. Each and every

morning The Kid'd wake up, place four trash-barrels a few feet apart,

and like all kids, would throw a tight spiral into the sky, run to

get beneath the falling ball, as if he were catching a punt. If he looked

for a second, and if he thought a trash barrel was near the zone he would

signal for a fair catch. You'da have to have been there to believe it.


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