Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Remember as a young child a ghoul would chase you,
no matter how fast you ran the monster would always
catch up to you and bite you in half, or you swam in a
pool and a shark came up the drain and swallow you
headfirst, all that stuff was horrible, however, it was
always a bad dream. But, yesterday I couldn't tell if
were a dream or what. Click the "Hurricane Alert"
up on top, I'll relate the dream. The day was clear as
crystal, as usual the gulls squawked incessantly, squirrels
chased their bushy tails. Hal Diarywimple and Ranger
Ephriam watched closely as the ready-mix truck inched
along the antiquated dirt road nearing Latrine #4.
An Egyptian leaped from the cab as the truck coasted
to a halt. The mixing part, unbeknownst to the Rangers,
was crammed with high-density explosives. KAWBALOOM,
the mushroom cloud was visible all the way to Oceanside.
After th smoke cleared, San Onofre was gone, there was
no sign of th Rangers. I hope this didn't frieghten you,
it was only a dream.

Written by Osama bin Kook.

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