Tuesday, September 13, 2005

There ain't nothing worse than being black-balled at the "Home
of the Legends", Ol' San Onofre. After last weekend's blown-out
cross- chop, diving pelicans, crazed animals pulling their owners
down the prehistoric dirt road, past the plugged growlers, amid
jumbo pregnant horseflies, bees, bees, and more bees, that'r looking
for a little child for whom it could inject it's giant poisiness filled barb.
So what does the SOSC BOD do but stick it's numbing barb smack
dab on SEYMOUR'S baby like cheek by awarding ALLAN the lowest
tally ever in modern day surfing. Sad but true! It's been said time
and time again, surfing is a tough sport where only the strong shall



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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 4:51 AM   1 Comments


At 11:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, it's true. Seymour got the lowest score in the history of the San Onofre surf contest. In fact, he got a negative 7.5 which is impossible.


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