Friday, May 13, 2005

More good news! Today at 2:00 PM we pile into the car and head to the
Oceanside Dog Pound to claim our San Onofre farm dog. After watching
all the happy dog owners at Old 'Nofre, I want to fit in with the crowd.
I have two names for my new pooch Chew or Crapp.. Help me choose by
entering your choice for his name. I''m going to SMXL for a nice nylon
weave, preferably red. Our next stop will be TARGET for a blue neckerchiejf
so pooch ban look like a CRIP or better yet, a green one so he could be a
PIRU. I should check with the regulars on what to feed pooch. I'm hoping
they sat phsillium husks cause that'll firm him up. I'm also have a Sxip
Frye book on my list about surfing dogs. I sure hope he, the dog not
Skip, doesn't slobber and steam up the rear window. Also, we're going
by the War Surplas Store to purchase an aluminum drinking bowl for

Written by Uncle Matty.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:37 AM   17 Comments


At 11:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shaved my dog's butt and taught him to walk backwards.

Now he runs surf contests.

Long time listener, first time caller.

At 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, ltl. Criously, does tour hiynd look kike alan seymore?

At 12:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give him phsillium husks, like Uncle Matty said. That should clear his runs at the surfing contest.

At 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chewy would be a great choice for your dogs name.
with a name like that you could add a bunch of other family names to it. like
Don Chewy Hernandez Sanchito Espinosa Gomez III
that would be a real hoot, to hear someone calling their dog that.

At 5:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chewy is a stupid name.
How about Han Solo?

At 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ricardo, who is mas macho?

At 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am, of course more macho.
even Ester Williams thinks so.

But, in a contest between Llamas and a dog with his hind end shaved, you might have a horserace.

At 7:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good day,

I am the chairman of the members of the Contract Payment Review Panel and
executive director of projects and engineering of the Federal Ministry of
Petroleum Resources Nigeria, I am in search of an agent to assist us in
receiving the sum of twenty eight million dollars ($28M)remitted by Key
Tested Telegraphic Transfer (K.T.T)to any foreign bank you will provide
and subsequently invest the funds in properties,agriculture or in any other
lucrative venture in your country.

You shall take 25% of the total amount for assisting me. If you are interested
to assist me in this regard, You should please email me through my private
mail account and supply me with the following particulars:

1Your full name and address.
2Your company name and address(if any).
3Telephone and fax numbers.

so we can discuss the details of this transaction.Note that your area of
specialisation is not relevant for the successful execution of this transaction.
I await your reply to this mutually beneficial transaction.

Best wishes,

At 8:38 PM , Blogger NeoN said...

Pedro Arugas is a good name for a Sano mutt.

At 9:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about

Thich Nhat Hanh

I never heard that one before.

it's a godd a name as any

At 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not name him Talegalite?

At 1:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about

Crap, the Crip from Talegala

Well, Tube, wht do you say?

At 12:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They say that the most important relationship is the relationship you have with yourself, and that the key to most successful relationships is communication. So it follows that it would be helpful to communicate regularly with yourself.

Distant Rumblings

The fact is, our bodies are talking to us all the time, but frequently we don't listen. Both through physical sensations and our emotions the body has much to say to us. However, for many people these communications are all but a distant, meaningless rumble or even troublesome somethings that must be suppressed or endured.

We also receive much communication from our psychic, inner selves. Sounds, smells and visions, fleeting and intangible, these intuitions are often ignored or else seem to be expressed in some alien language.

From within our minds, representations of family members, younger selves, bosses, friends, old school teachers, celebrities, advertisers and a host of others speak to us. They reflect, on many levels, our internalised beliefs. We can be greatly influenced by our internal dialogue and yet it often goes unexamined, unquestioned and according to habitual patterns. Have you ever stopped and listened to who it is that's doing the talking inside your head? You might be surprised. ...More distant rumbling.

plain English

So what if it were possible for us to have some kind of translator that could put all of these communications into plain English? And what if we were then to engage in a loving and constructive dialogue with the many fragmented parts of ourselves; the parts of us that we have exiled, the parts that we fear and the parts that we deny? Surely such clear and conscious communication would bring new understanding and with new understanding could come acceptance and integration.

The fact is, these translations are more available than you might think. If you have a willingness to communicate openly and honestly and are prepared to use a little imagination, then you can, quite literally, give your inner-world a voice and allow, what I have called, your 'Integrational Dialogues' to begin.

Practically Speaking

The approach you take to your self dialogues will be very individual. If you already write a journal you may find that you can set up Integrational Dialogues within the scope of your daily writing. A written dialogue can be a powerful way to access the truth of the parts of yourself. It is important to set your intention, giving a clear focus to your writing. You may find it helpful to begin by writing an intention-oriented heading along the lines of 'Conversing with the fear I feel in my belly' or 'Getting the message from my heart' - something that feels right for you

It is important to record, not only the words of all aspects, but also the other facets of your experience. This allows them to be outwardly expressed and validated. It releases them into the realm of physical experience.

However you might prefer to do this in meditation, using visualisation techniques. You can let the conversation take place internally, however I absolutely recommend speaking it out loud. Like writing, speaking gives an outward expression of the internal experience; literally 'getting it out of your system'. You might like to speak onto a tape. While there is no need to have a record, some people like to have one (and a tape recorder can also give a sense of 'purpose' to speaking out loud).

nuts & bolts

What follows is an overview of some of the important points of Integrational Dialoguing. I must emphasise that while i am about to give a fairly structured outline, it is best to go with what feels right for you at any particular time, rather than sticking rigidly to a particular format. So, the essence of an Integrational Dialogue is this:

In your imagination create a loving environment where truth can be spoken and help is available. Contact the part of yourself that you wish to speak to and allow it to communicate with you in consciousness. Then, in a dynamic interaction, let what needs to be said be said. If as a result of this communication some inner or outer action needs to occur (for example forgiveness, letting go of something or a behavioural change) then let that happen or commit to it as appropriate.

Getting Connected

An important aspect of this kind of work is that it is most honestly and productively done in a state of connection to Source / All That Is / god / universal consciousness - or whatever you choose to call the divine intelligence that flows through everything. There are many documented ways to achieve this state. I have included just one, which is explained briefly:

á Begin with a prayer. Invite christ consciousness within you. Ask to be used as a vehicle of truth and ask that only truth be spoken (be open to experiencing whatever your truth might be).

á If you are doing this in preparation for an exercise or some other purpose, make a clear statement of intent.

á Visualise white light flowing in through the top of your head and filling every cell of your body. Feel yourself as white light and bring your consciousness into your heart centre. Now allow your light, your self, your consciousness to expand infinitely in all directions (in front, behind, to the left, to the right, above and below in turn) and truly experience your boundless eternal nature.

However, it is important to find a technique that suits you personally. So before you begin any dialogue, get connected!

Create A safe Place To Talk

If you were about to have a difficult conversation with someone, you might arrange to meet them somewhere where you both felt comfortable and safe, and somewhere that was conducive to dialogue. So give the same courtesy to yourself. There are many places you could visualise that would serve this purpose well. Perhaps a plush boardroom, a campfire, a tipi, a temple or a beautiful garden. Or, possibly, a sanctuary you had as a child or some other place where you feel very safe. You can create this safe place in your imagination, knowing that it's nature is love and acceptance - unconditionally.

Ask For Help

Of course sometimes we find it difficult to know how to respond to what has been said to us in a constructive way. And we don't always know how to move on from where we are. And some of the parts that we might like to speak to may have been treated very badly for a long time and be unwilling to talk to us at all, so they might need reassurance and encouragement. Not all of us have the skills necessary to facilitate this, and those that do may find that when it comes to themselves, all their skills go out the window!

So wouldn't it be helpful if there could be some kind of mediator present or perhaps an advisor who has access to great wisdom? So, by now, you might not be surprised to find that if you are open and willing to use a little more imagination, you can have access to just the help you need.

All you need to do is to imagine that you have with you, in your safe place, a guide or advisor who can give you the help you need. This would be someone who is deeply connected to truth. Someone who is filled with love and divine understanding. It could be one of the great spiritual teachers, an ascended master, a saint, an angel or some other person or being that is appropriate for you. You can ask for a specific guide or just allow the right one to present themselves.

Of course you are not limited in the help you can get. If you want an 'expert' in a particular area, invite one along. If you feel that a chorus of angels will help - invite them along. Lately I have tended to invite christ, two angels and the loving soul of my Grandpa! So trust that you can have the support that you need. You only have to ask for it.

talking To Your body

If your liver had something to say to you, what might it say?

When you decide to talk with specific parts of your body, you may find that you get visual imagery of that part of your body. There may be some aspect of it which seems in need of particular attention - this could be where some emotion or trauma is being held. Be receptive to what is radiating from it and be open to processing any emotion or memory that has been stored there.

You might also imagine the consciousness of that particular body area or organ to have some kind of human form with whom you can speak directly. You might send your consciousness to the organ or bring its consciousness into your safe place.

talking To emotions

Again with emotions, you can give them 'human form' or whatever feels right and then speak with that form. Sometimes emotions can be difficult to connect with - we fear that they will overwhelm us and so we put some kind of block or barrier between us and them. In these situations work with what you have and begin by speaking to the block itself. The block could be represented by literally anything. For instance you might come up against a wall, or a void, or even a wild animal. You may find a suffocating blanket or a corked bottle that has some emotion trapped inside. So be open to what you might find and get curious. Ask it about it's purpose; what is it hiding, protecting or constraining? You might find that it is willing to talk with the emotion, and act as a middleman. If you engage in this process with love and respect, you will soon be able to communicate with the emotion directly and begin to seek a true and mutual understanding.

talking To People

If you are talking to the people in your head and you find that they are just unconstructively running their patterns over and over - ask them to speak from their souls, the divine part within them. Ask them to say what needs to be said.

Working With visions And memories

Within memories and visions are often people with whom you can talk. If not, then there may be objects or animals with whose consciousness you can speak. The memory may have an essence about it with whom you can communicate. If you get stuck, just ask your guide - 'what needs to happen here?' Be aware that these dialogues are dynamic and uniquely yours. If you ask 'to whom or to what am I here to talk to?' and you are open, you will receive the answer.


During these dialogues be flexible. Allow yourself to intuitively ride your imagination. Be dynamic. Use the skills you have and if you need other resources, ask for them. Ask your guide what would help you.

If there are non-verbal processes that need to occur, let that be OK. If you get into something that seems too difficult to handle, give your guide the power to do whatever is necessary to make it fine. Do not underestimate the power and validity of your imagination and know that the scope of your imagination encompasses the creative use of all your senses. If you are not a particularly visual person you might just get a strong sense of being in your safe place and a feeling of connection with your guide.

Most of all relax and have fun! I laugh at myself for writing that, knowing that for years I read this kind of statement in books and thought 'Yeah, right! How am I supposed to relax and be terrified at the same time?'. Well the best I can tell you is to give yourself a break - you don't have to relax, but give yourself the space to practice. When I first learned to drive, I wondered how I'd ever be able to change the tape while I was driving - I couldn't take my eyes off the road without swerving! As I drove more and more, my skill and my confidence grew and I was soon able to do other things at the same time. So practice!

Finally, remember to talk to the parts of yourself that you consider successes and find out their secret! Some advice from your expansive emotions such as joy and happiness can do great things to lift you in a tough spot. just ask yourself what would joy or happiness say to this?


This article has focussed a great deal on the idea of 'separate' aspects or parts of self. However, it must be said that, while this is an extremely useful concept for the purposes of self understanding and evolution, the truth is that we are very much a whole being. Integrational Dialoguing is really about harmonising the whole and this truth must not be lost. However I believe that using this kind of approach has enormous potential for allowing people to speed their evolution and free themselves of years of burdensome 'stuff'. I get very excited about working with these techniques and hope that you will try it for yourself and begin talking yourself into wholeness.

At 8:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

one more time, with feeling

At 8:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muy Mucho. En Espanol, por favor.

At 2:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hotel City Moran -

Comprueba la disponibilidad y precios del hotel City Moran utilizando el buscador:

HOTEL City Moran **** Praga

Entrada: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre enero febrero marzo Noches: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Adultos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Niños (2-12 años): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 BUSCAR

Datos del Hotel

Dirección: City Hotel Moran, NA MORANI 15, Praga - REPUBLICA CHECA

Detalles: Pequeno hotel de 4 estrellas, situado en el centro de Praga, muy tranquilo. Hotel que en los ultimos 10 anos ha sido nomidado a mejor hotel de Praga. Todas las habitaciones equipadas con calefacción, aire acondicionado, Tv, radio, telefono, secador, minib

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Servicios del Hotel

Aire acondicionado • Aparcamiento cubiert • Aparcamiento descubi • Aparcamiento gratuit • Aparcamiento no grat • Ascensor • B/C/S • Caja fuerte • Cambio moneda • Desayuno Buffet • Lavandería • Rent a car • Restaurante • Room service parcial • S.M.I. • Servicio maletero •

Servicios de la habitación

Aire acondicionado • Calefacción • Cerradura magnética • Conectadas • Minibar • Perros • Radio • Secador • Té y café • Teléfono • TV • Voltaje •

Más información

Cómo llegar: Desde el aeropuerto de Praga, coger la E48 dirección Praga centro. Desde allí seguir las indicacions hasta llegar al hotel situado en la calle Na Morani.

Distancias útiles: Aeropuerto: 13 kms, 0 mts. • Centro de la ciudad: 0 kms, 400 mts. • Estacion de tren: 3 kms, 0 mts. • Parada Autobus: 0 kms, 100 mts. • Parada Metro: 0 kms, 100 mts. • Recinto Ferial: 6 kms, 0 mts. •


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