Thursday, November 17, 2005


Well, here we go again! The 7 winners of $325,000,000.00
Mega Million CA lottery are from Anahiem CA by way of
Jalisco, Mexico DF. Their names end in vowels, and 2 z's
they entered America illegally March 17, 2005, to live
in San Clemente, Orange County CA. The liquor store
owner from whom the illegals bought the tickets says
he can't believe it and hopes it's not a dream, probably
because he stands to collect $1,250,000.00. The lottery
commission says CA does not judge if a winner is a citizen
or not. Daily Sun Post says they all work at the San Clemente
Car Wash. Meanwhile, down at the beach, it looks as 'Nofre
surfing is on the rise once again, and for a long time. SOSC BOD
has proposed a resolution recognizing sidebar activities, bocci-ball,
animal recreational facilities, and the like, with a teatherball
court adjacent to the popular Latrine #4. San Clemente Car wash
employees, through an interpreter, said we Nexicanos are winners,
try your fortune at:

Written by Arriba Mexico Inc.

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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 5:41 AM   2 Comments


At 3:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Heartily recommend my brothers, the cafepress site mentioned above.
the malibu tuxedo can be made quite useful as a stylish sling shot. lemme tell ya, the rabbits and tostonas wont know what hit em.

oh yea! snap up all the fantasy island dvd's you can get your hands on

At 5:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ricardo, you're awrigt. The tux can also be used as an African Slingshot


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