Wednesday, July 07, 2004

July 7th Offshore Shark Breeding Ground

Dr.Gleshna returned his findings, with photos, on the underwater

abyss, sheltering a giant pool of man-eating Great Whites living

large, 60 yards outside of Ol'Man's. Dr.Gleshna's recommendation

is to quarantine 'Nofre until his Shark Scarecrows can be stalled,

allowing the waters to once again be safe for surfers. The fee

for shark scarecrows is $250.00 per day, billed directly to SOSC

BOD payable 90 days same as cash. It might be another dues

increase will be mandated to cover expenses. Paid attendance

is down 60% because of man-eaters multiplying in the trench.

Take your choice, being gobbled by a huge, hungry, fish, or

infected by latrines #1&2's virus escaping to the tidal waters

because of Bldg. #4 raw sewage outlet draining through the

Bamboo Forrest and Banana Plantation. BIGKOOK is in San Diego,

Ranger Ephriam ain't returning calls. Where's Surfriders

Foundation now that we need them?

Special to San Diego Union Tribune

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