Wednesday, June 02, 2004

from upstairs are here for the Beach Tour, Ranger Dairywimple
hooked us up with the Lifeguards phone line so we could
bring you a direct report on the day's activities, so here
goes. At 8:00 AM sharp, Superintendent Schnabel, Commadant
Otto Heimlin, and Deputy Herr Gunner, arrived in the State's
Olive Drab Humvee 4A, pulled directly in front of Stalag 4.
Alighting from the vehicle, Commadant Gunner had at his side
a 25,000 BTU flame thrower, cocked and ready to go. Commadant
Heimlin motioned Ranger Ehriam to the "primitive dirt road"
and asked the Ranger, exactly what is going on here? Ranger
was terrified. Commadant repeated the question and Ranger
frightened he broke down, sobbing and weeping ucontrolably.
Heimlin was not happy with this outbreak he said look above
on the ridge, "Do you know why those Ready Mix trucks are
there, Ranger?" Well I'll tell you why. Concrete will be
poured down the bluff, over the road, across the sand, to
the mean high tide mark. Your San Onofre will be a massive parking terminal. "Think it over, Ranger, in two hours
the area will be paved, striped and ready for business."
Do you hear me? Ephriam gulped, quivered momentarily.
"Yes sir, loud and clear" Fine, hen we understand each other. This was to demoralizing. We've seen enough, but shall return manana.

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