Tuesday, April 08, 2008


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posted by Huevos Rancheros @ 1:09 PM   19 Comments


At 1:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schitt, I missed it by this much...

At 1:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's an old adage, if you miss the boat by an inch, you've missed it a mile.

At 4:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know any of those people. I don't know where Malibu is.
I don't read Vanity Fare - it's a woman's magazine. I know you now that.
I do have a copy of Surfwise - it makes a good coffee coaster.

At 5:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet Jesus 'Parade'. There are non so blind as those who will not see.

At 7:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The barer of bad news, sometimes gets shot!

At 8:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

cofucious, please don't shoot the messinger.

At 6:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fourteen House Democrats are taking the federal government to court in an effort to halt construction of the security barrier between the United States and Mexico. It turns out that environmental groups such as the Sierra Club and the Defenders of Wildlife are more concerned over displacing a few animals than in protecting our borders from potential terrorists and the unchecked flow of illegal immigrants, and the Democrats are more than happy to help.

At 6:45 AM , Blogger Huevos Rancheros said...

JUST FACTS, I have a dwindling surfing career prohibiting me from involvment in any, and all, protests.

At 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All for a Few Perfect Waves.

At 8:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright then, "DORA LIVES"
by Stecyk and Campion.

At 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe animals have rights, I don't believe they should be put above humans either, but I think that Americans have more of a right to freedom and safety than any freaking animal! Build that wall HIGH. If the democrates what to do something good for this country, MOVE TO MEXICO and try to improve the government there! Then illegals won't want to come here. Might as well build them a toll road to the USA while their at it! Of course being illegal, they won't have to pay the toll either! One way to keep them out is to stop all Welfare and food stamps and refuse to let them in schools and hospitals and sitting on walls looking for work and from buying cars and driving without insurance and return all signs to "ENGLISH ONLY", and refuse service to anyone who can't ask for it in english. We are AMERICANS, where are the democrates from, oh I know, OVER THE RAINBOW! WAKE-UP PEOPLE! Stop trying to change this country to be what some other countries want it to be, if you don't like the American way "GO AWAY", we don't want you, but if you really want to be an American and live the American dream, we will welcome you with open arms (if you come here legally that is).

At 12:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Build Wall' what a great conduacept, until you mention 'welcome you with open arms'. You are a Fabio Nunez puppet, aren't you?

At 5:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you would take care to read the comment, it said, "if you come here legally", Fabio don't care if they are legal or not! If your talking puppets, your talking democrates! Hell, and mexico say's we took their land, BS, they took it from the true Americans, thats right, the Native American Indians were here long before the spainish came to the America's and took mexico from the Aztec's! Who are they trying to kid?

At 5:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wall: You are right on! Can you say "Spanish" land grants! All the other tribal crap is just that. Oh, by the way, American Indians? Veryone of us came from somewhere else! Even the indians came across the land bridge from Asia! You can dig all this info up if you want. So, We are all natives if we were born here! Take that you PC A-holes! Thw Mex's never owned a square foot of this country! So there!

At 6:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wall: You are right on! Can you say "Spanish" land grants! All the other tribal crap is just that. Oh, by the way, American Indians? Everyone of us came from somewhere else! Even the indians came across the land bridge from Asia! You can dig all this info up if you want. So, We are all natives if we were born here! Take that you PC A-holes! The Mex's never owned a square foot of this country! So there! oops SP again? LOL

At 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Surf Star', why are you so vindictive? Irregardless, how do you know all this historical stuff?

At 6:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vindictive? I'm not. I went to school when you did not get a bunch on useless crap ramded down your throat? Real history was there for the asking. I always asked questions. Drove em nutz! I've stayed alive by doing that all my life! So far so good. If you don't question that ocean, your toast!

At 8:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Surf Star' you are too funny, however, I might change that 'toast' to popping up, "...like burnt toast...."


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