Thursday, November 27, 2003


AMID THE DREARY BACKGROUND, tantamount to the "Planet of the Apes",

Omar the Tentmaker magically transformed a desolate and unsightly

beach into a colossal "Planet Hollywood". The dunes no longer looked as

they did two days earlier. San Onofre was transformed into "Dreamworks South",

almost overnight. The huge multi colored structure, occupying a full half acre,

overshadowed Turkey Day. Today, TEAMBIGKOOK owned San Onofre.

On the sand outside, bundled in Ugh Boots, Tee Shirts boasting their 50th

anniversary, Club members blended with the scrawny, always hungry,

gulls incessantly squawking. Looking north toward the road, Sea Cucumber

watched a glistining white stretch limo rapidly approaching Ground Zero.

"they're here," he yelled. This was NeoN's cue, grabbing a microphone

he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and children of all

ages: Awe you ready to R-R-U-U-U M-M-M-B-L-E?" In unison,

500 invitees squealed their approval. The limo door swung open,

a gaggle of hot blond females stepped onto the gold carpet,

sprinting to the tent. In bright fire-engine letters, emblazoned on

the limo, read "GIRLS GONE WILD".. One by one NeoN intro'd

the ladies. THEBIGKOOK stood, grabbed the mike, "This ain't

gonna' be no ROXY CONVENTION." everyone laughed.

Oleg, Omar's assistant ordered the caterers to bring the

food for immediate consumption. Surrounded by Las Vegas

Disco music, gelled searchlights, laughter, and gaiety

, with Ranger Dairywimple, and brinfin,

and Brad, pulled off the party of the millennium.


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